Introduction to NRSDB

This guide will help you prepare for using the modules within NRSBD. The process for getting started is the same for Emergency Speed Restrictions (ESRs), Contingency Planning or Autumn Inspections.

When your account is created you will receive an email like this;

Set your First Password

Click on the “Set Password” button and you will be taken to NRSDB to set a password;

The password must have 6 characters but this is the only limitation.

After clicking on “Set New Password” you will be redirected to the NRSDB login page (;

Forgotten Passwords

If you ever forget your password you can come here and click on “Forgotten Password”.

Magic Links

You could also use the “Login with Magic Link” option. This will email you with a special link that you can use to gain access to the system.

Autumn Inspections Mobile App

If you are authorised to use the Autumn Inspections mobile app, please remember that the address for this is

Both systems share the same user database and your password is the same for both the website and the mobile app.

  1. General Navigation

  1. Route View

Upon logging into your account you will be presented with the summary screen for your Route.

The number next to the Route is the total for that area and is then split down to each Delivery Unit.

The table for speed restrictions can be viewed at a Route or Delivery Unit level. Click on the DU buttons to filter by DU.

At the top right of the table is a search field that searches all of the table columns and filters the view as required. Use this to search for your ESR reference, FMS number or more. You can also use the Advanced Search by clicking on “Add Condition” to perform complex searches and filters.

Most columns are sortable, click to sort, click again to sort in the opposite direction.

To view a speed restriction at a detailed speed view level click on the Reference Number link in the first column.

Use the three tabs to filter based on whether the ESR is active or withdrawn.

There is a button in the dark section at the top of the page to Create ESR

  1. TSR View

You can view the TSRs for the Route by clicking the light blue button to the right of the Route name.

This data is provided from the SPRINT system and is for reference only. It can be useful to check there is no duplication of restrictions.

  1. User Menu

The User Menu is top right of the screen. From here you can;

  • Navigate to the ELR Explorer tool
  • Update your Profile, in particular this is where users can subscribe to receive alerts
  • Change Password
  • Logout

Depending on your account there may be other options here.

  1. Create ESR

    1. Top Section

      1. Reference Number

Each ESR has a reference number. It is constructed as follows;

XXXX nnn{a}.yy

XXXX \= Route specific prefix (AICC \= Anglia, etc)

nnn \= Annual sequence number, starts over at 001 each year on 1st January

yy \= two digit year, e.g. 24

a \= the amendment (if any), A, B, C, etc

AICC 123B.24 is the 123rd restriction of 2024 on the Anglia route and has been amended twice.


  1. Input fields

  • Delivery Unit – select from the available list, each Controller is associated with a specific Route so the options here are particular to that Route

  • Engineers Line Reference (ELR) – Select from the available list (type the ELR code to filter). We do not limit the selection of ELR based on the Route. Be careful to choose the correct ELR!

  • Line of Route – select the LOR from the options that relate to the ELR

  • Location or Between Locations – type in the Location, there is no validation or limitations

  • Reason – select appropriate reason code

  • Speed – use the standard format (all speeds are currently in miles per hour; do not append mph here) – e.g. “40/60” or “50”

    1. Reference Fields

  • FMS – six or seven numerical characters - must be completed
  • CCIL – seven numeric characters - must be completed
  • TDA
  • TSR – reference to a TSR when it is converted to ESR
  • WO
  • Defect No
  • TRUST Code
  • Owner

    1. Line Cards

      1. Primary Line Card

The Primary Line represents the ELR that has the Speed Indicator (Commencement) board.

Complete the Primary Line card (dark background) as follows;

  • ELR – this is inserted automatically based on the ELR selected in the top section. It cannot be changed
  • Track ID – 4 digits, for example 1100 \= “Up Main” …. the impacted ELR is now highlighted on the map
  • Line – we automatically apply the standard description based on the Track ID given. You are allowed to change this but we suggest otherwise
  • Direction of Travel – select from Up Direction and Down Direction. This affects the sorting order of Boards!
  • Add Boards with their mileage — to enter the Miles and Chains you can simply type the numbers and the “.” will be inserted before the final two digits. Therefore, typing “1234” will give you “12.34” or “12m34ch”.

    HINT: pressing the ENTER key has the same effect as clicking on “Add Board”

    NOTE: after adding a board the next in sequence is automatically selected

    NOTE: after adding a board it will appear on the map – if the mileage is valid for the ELR and Track ID

    1. Additional Line Cards

Click on the button labelled “+ Add Additional Line” if there are boards placed on a different ELR or Track ID (direction). This is common where the restriction comes into effect near the end of an ELR, also for bi-directional track.

This section is essentially the same as the Primary, except here you can choose the appropriate ELR.

  1. Bottom Section

Remarks - used to provide some narrative to the History of the speed restriction. You must give some context here when first Imposing a restriction.

Publish (Impose) – this button will remain disabled while required fields are incomplete (these are also underlined in red). There is further validation when the button is finally clicked.

  1. View ESR

When viewing a speed restriction there is a collection of action buttons as shown below

  • The grey button allows you to Print the official notice. The drop down should be used to get the correct version (for amended or withdrawn restrictions).
  • The yellow button takes you into Edit mode. See below for details.
  • The green button performs a withdrawal. You will need to add a comment and this will generate Withdrawal Notifications
  • The Blue button with speech bubble and + sign, allows you to quickly add an additional remark.
  • The second blue button with an egg timer icon, gives the option to add an Estimated Time of Removal.

There is also a link to the FMS system but this only works within the Network Rail computer network.

  1. Edit ESR

The Edit view is very similar to Create.

All significant changes will trigger an Amendment. The Reference Number will be changed as described above.

You cannot change the Delivery Unit, ELR or LOR.

  1. Amendment

An amendment notification will be sent to all users subscribing to the LOR.

The Remarks field should be used to add some narrative to the History of the speed for Users to know what changed.

  1. Save

Using the ‘Save’ button when in edit mode purely saves the fields that have been updated. This is typically when Network Rail internal information is changed such as the FMS, CCIL numbers.

No notifications are sent.

Use the Remarks field to add narrative to the History of the speed for Users to know what changed.

  1. Tracking Tab

The Tracking tab provides information about the email notifications we sent for the speed restriction.

In the example below the restriction was amended, so the default view shows the notifications sent for the amendment. You can go back to the original imposition by clicking on the grey button.

We show notifications for TOC accounts at first as these are the most important. After EVERY new speed imposed we recommend checking the Tracking to see that alerts were sent.

You can clear the “Filter only TOC accounts” checkbox to see all notifications.

You can also use the “Show Details” checkbox to see the timing of each action.

  1. History Tab

On this tab you can see the timeline of the ESR, showing when it was Imposed and by which Controller. All remarks are shown and the timing of Amendments and eventually the Withdrawal.

  1. Files Tab

You can upload documents that should be attached to the ESR to provide further detail.

Autumn Inspections on Android

The exact experience will depend upon the age of your phone and the version of Chrome.

  1. Open your favourite browser (we suggest Chrome but should work on other browsers)
  2. Navigate to
  3. Tap the three vertical dots at the top-right of the screen
  4. Tap the “Install App” or "Add to Home Screen" option towards the bottom of the menu, if you see "Open NRSDB" it is already installed
  5. An overlay might appear, with previews of the application — tap on the "Install" button
  6. You will now have an icon to open the App

Autumn Inspections on iOS


  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Chrome
  2. Go to
  3. At the top right of the address bar, tap Share
  4. Find and tap "Add to Home Screen".
  5. Confirm or edit the website details and tap "Add".


To install Autumn Inspections on iPhone Safari, follow these steps:

  • Open the Safari browser on your iPhone or iPad
  • Navigate to
  • Tap the Share icon (a box with an arrow coming out of it) at the bottom of the screen.
  • Scroll down and tap “Add to Home screen”
  • Tap “Add” to confirm the installation

Autumn Inspection Mobile App User Guide


First time using the app you will need to identify yourself using your email address and password. This is the same password you use for NRSDB. Once you have successfully logged in the app stores your identity information so you don’t have to remember your password. If you use the Logout menu option you will need to login again next time.

Select your Team

Each Route has a list of Locations that should be inspected periodically. Each Location is the responsibility of a Team. When you use the App for the first time it will take you into the Profile view and prompt you to choose a Team. You can change your Team at any time by going into the top Menu and selecting Profile. Choose your team from the dropdown menu and click Save. The Locations available will be updated accordingly.

Start New Inspection

The first step is to enter the Location you are about to inspect - After making your selection you can click Next. The next view allows you to select one or more Images to be submitted as evidence of your Inspection. On a mobile device you can use your camera OR select a previously saved picture. A preview is added when the image is selected. There is a rubbish bin icon should you wish to remove your selection. Click Next to move onto the Weather details. From Weather, click Next to submit your evaluation and comments. Tap on Submit to send your inspection.


Select one or more Images to be included with your Inspection

Weather Report

Adjust the sliders to report on the weather, ground and rail conditions at the time of the survey.

Evaluation and Comments

Make your evaluation of the conditions and add commentary.

Menu Options

Tap the hamburger icon at the top right of the screen to open the menu. You have three options;

  1. My Inspections – this will give you a list of all the previous inspections you have submitted. You can use it to check if a new Inspection has been saved.
  2. Profile – this shows your user details and allows you to select a new Team (and therefore access new Locations). Tapping on either Save or Cancel will start a new inspection.
  3. Logout – it is not necessary to Logout under normal circumstances as this will clear the saved user information.